Since is not possible configure Classic Teams Webhook (deprecated, and it does not work from teams gui), I just created a workflow for "Gatus" monitoring application. goto: go to My flows > New flow > instant cloud flow select "When a Teams webhook request is received" > create configure: "Who can trigger the flow" > anyone add an action, search for: post message in a chat or channel configure: "post as": flow bot "post in": channel "team": dropdown select team "channel": dropdown select channel "content": Content: @...
[ERROR] [backup] Backup failed with an exception: Util.dump_instance: Argument #2: The AWS access and secret keys were not found in: environment variables mysql do not provide a good documentation about mysql operator. ORACLE WANT YOU TO USE OCI! USE OCI cmon. mysql operator wants aws "cretentials" file down the "/mysqlsh/.aws folder, it does this in pod through VolumeMount the secret file, nothing about to worry about. PS: If you are trying to backup to an s3 endpoint with self signed or with private ca certificate, loose all hopes. I do not find a solution about that. cat secret [default] aws_access_key_id=REDACTED aws_secret_access_key=REDACTED cat secret | base64 -w 0 W2RlZmF1bHRdIAphd3NfYWNjZXNzX2tleV9pZD1SRURBQ1RFRAphd3Nfc2VjcmV0X2FjY2Vzc19rZXk9UkVEQUNURUQKCg== ...
you cannot create and execute VM: Windows 11 Guest in Fedora 40? it's SELINUX. you can disable SELINUX or create a rule to avoid the TPM problem. we choose the second one. check sudo ausearch -c 'virtqemud' --raw or sudo ausearch -m avc -ts recent if results appear, go on solution: sudo ausearch -m avc -ts recent | grep virtqemud | sudo audit2allow -M local_virtqemud sudo semodule -i local_virtqemud.pp systemctl restart libvirtd
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